Manage Employee Appointments Processing Guide



This guide provides the steps that are required by the supervisor, and the newly hired employee, once a job offer is accepted. After a hiring offer is accepted, a supervisor will begin the onboarding process by sending the new employee a welcome e-mail using the Manage Employee Appointments screen. If the employee is already an employee at the institution, the manager will use this application to begin the process to set up the employee in the new job.

A system generated email provides a process for the newly hired employee to access the Minnesota State information systems to provide information needed to create the employee record, set up payroll and employee benefits.

Welcome emails and employee updates should be completed AFTER an employee accepts the offer of employment.

For optimal browser performance use Firefox, Chrome or Safari.


Manage Employee Appointments: Sample Process Flow

  • Supervisor follows institution Hiring Process
    • Final Candidate accepts offer
    • Communicate hire, salary placement, etc to HR
  • If New Hire: Supervisor sends welcome email
    • Includes secure token/access to Employee Home
  • If position change or concurrent position:
    • Supervisor updates employee
      • Selects new position and effective date
  • If work out of class
    • ​​​​​​​Supervisor updates employee
      • ​​​​​​​Selects new position, effective date and end date
  • HR and Supervisor initiate institution onboarding procedure 
    • ​​​​​​​HR completes bargaining, job and assignment information in SCUPPS


Manage Employee Appointments 

  • Under Supervisor, Supervisor Tools, go to the Manage Employee Appointments section.
  • To add a new employee, click on Manage Employee Appointments.


Manage Employee Appointments - New Hire


1.      A Manage Employee Appointments box will appear where the supervisor will select an Action Type of New Hire, Position Change, Concurrent Position, or Work 
         Out of Class
. The data options will then change depending on that selection.

2.      For a New Hire, the Location, Bargaining Unit, Job Code, and Position Control Number may be selected from a dropdown list. This information is listed based on
         vacancy information maintained by Human Resources. For job class code 007846, Rank will also need to be selected from the following list: Professor, Associate
         Professor, Assistant Professor, or Instructor.

3.      A supervisor must then enter an Employee Work Title and Start Date in Position. The Start Date must not be earlier than 6 month or later than 9 months from the
         current date.

4.      Cost centers will be collected for all positions with the following rules:

  • The cost center will default to the previously used cost center for the position.
  •  If more than one exists, user can select one.
  • If the preferred cost center is not listed a user can select “My cost center is not listed” and then enter the desired cost center.

5.      Enter the future employee’s preferred email address and the new employee’s first name, which will be used in the salutation of the welcome email.

6.      Enter the starting Salary/Step/credit rate with the following rules:

  •  The Hire Date must be entered before the Starting Salary options will display. If an off step salary is required, select Starting Step “Other” and then key in the salary amount.

7.      Click Send Email to create the email message.


Manage Employee Appointments - Temporary, Emergency, Limited or Limited Academic Employee- New Hire

1.      A supervisor will click on Manage Employee Appointments.

2.      A Manage Employee Appointments box will appear where you will select New Hire.

3.      The Location, Bargaining Unit, Job Code, and Position Control Number may be selected from a dropdown list. This information is listed based on vacancy information
         maintained by Human 
Resources. If the job code and position selected indicate that the job is a temporary or limited time position, an Appointment End Date field must
         be populated.

4.      Enter an Employee Work Title and Start Date in Position.

5.      If hiring an adjunct faculty member (either new or current), provide the starting per-credit base salary rate.

  • IFO: Must be >= $1484
  • MSCF: Must be between $525 and $1400 (inclusive).

6.      To complete the Employee Name field for a current employee, you may begin to type the employee’s name in the Employee box, and select them from the dropdown
​​​​​​​          list. If the employee is a new hire, type their first name in the Employee First Name field, and enter their email address.

7.      Click the Send Welcome Email button to create the email message.


Manage Employee Appointments - Position Change 

1.      A supervisor will click on Manage Employee Appointments.

2.      A Manage Employee Appointments box will appear where you will select Action type Position Change. Select Position Change if the employee is leaving their current
        position and moving into a different position within the hiring institution.

3.      For a Position Change, the Location, Bargaining Unit, Job Code, and Position Control Number may be selected from a dropdown list. This information is listed based
         on vacancy information maintained by Human Resources.

4.      A supervisor must enter an Employee Work Title and Start Date in Position.

5.      To complete the Employee Name field, you may begin to type the employee’s name in the Employee box, and select them from the dropdown list.

6.      Cost centers will be collected for all positions with the following rules:

  • The cost center will default to the previously used cost center for the position.
  •  If more than one exists, user can select one.
  • If the preferred cost center is not listed a user can select “My cost center is not listed” and then enter the desired cost center.

7.      Enter the starting Salary/Step/credit rate with the following rules:

  • The Hire Date must be entered before the Cost Center options will display
  • Does not apply to non-adjunct faculty or MSUASSF employees

8.      Click the Update Employee button to update the employee status.


Manage Employee Appointments - Concurrent Position

1.      A supervisor will click on Manage Employee Appointments.

2.      A Manage Employee Appointments box will appear where you will select Action type Concurrent Position. Select Concurrent Position if the employee is currently
         employed and has accepted a concurrent/additional position within the hiring institution. Note: If the employee is taking a leave of absence from their permanent
        position, a leave of absence request must also be submitted to the institution HR office.

3.      For a Concurrent Position, the Location, Bargaining Unit, Job Code and Position Control Number may be selected from a dropdown list. This information is listed based
         on vacancy information maintained by Human Resources.

4.      A supervisor must enter an Employee Work Title and Start Date in Position.

5.      To complete the Employee Name field, you may begin to type the employee’s name in the Employee box, and select them from the dropdown list.

6.      Cost centers will be collected for all positions with the following rules:

  • The cost center will default to the previously used cost center for the position.
  •  If more than one exists, user can select one.
  • If the preferred cost center is not listed a user can select “My cost center is not listed” and then enter the desired cost center.

7.      Enter the starting Salary/Step/credit rate with the following rules:

  • The Hire Date must be entered before the Cost Center options will display
  • Does not apply to non-adjunct faculty or MSUASSF employees

8.      Click the Update Employee button to update the employee status.

Manage Employee Appointments - Work Out of Class

1.      A supervisor will click on Manage Employee Appointments.

2.      A Manage Employee Appointments box will appear where you will select Action type Work Out of Class. Select Work Out of Class if the employee is currently
        employed in a classified position and is temporarily moving into a different classified position within the hiring institution.

3.      For a Work Out of Class, the Location, Bargaining Unit, Job Code and Position Control Number of the position in which the employee will be temporarily working may
​​​​​​​         be selected from the  dropdown list. The information listed is based on position information maintained by Human Resources.

4.      A supervisor must enter an Employee Work Title, Start Date in Position, and Appointment End Date.

5.      To complete the Employee Name field, you may begin to type the employee’s name in the Employee box, and select them from the dropdown list.

6.      Cost centers will be collected for all positions with the following rules:

  • The cost center will default to the previously used cost center for the position.
  •  If more than one exists, user can select one.
  • If the preferred cost center is not listed a user can select “My cost center is not listed” and then enter the desired cost center.

7.      Enter the starting Salary/Step/credit rate with the following rules:

  • The Hire Date must be entered before the Cost Center option will display
  • Does not apply to non-adjunct faculty or MSUASSF employees

8.      Click the Update Employee button to update the employee status.



For a new employee, an email will be sent which will contain a link, called a Token. This single-use, secure token is a URL that will allow them to access ISRS where they may enter onboarding information.


Manage Employee Appointments

A supervisor may track the status of the email to ensure delivery, and to review details sent in the letter such as Start Date in Position, sent date of email, if a Tech ID has been created, or when they have a StarID it will be displayed.

NOTE: For a Position Change, Concurrent Position, or Work Out of Class all of their data will appear for you to review but an email is not sent to them.  You will need to refresh your browser to see employee status updates.


Revoke Token

A hiring manager may want to revoke a token if the email was undeliverable, or if an incorrect email address was provided. A token may also be revoked if the new hire fails to respond after a period of time, or if the job offer is declined or is no longer valid for some other reason. Revoking a token will inactivate the link. Once a token has been used by the new employee, it can no longer be revoked.


New Employee Email

A new employee email will generate an email letter sent to the email address provided in the previous step. The system checks for a valid email address and processes the email, which usually occurs within an hour of your request being submitted.

Note: An email is not sent for action types of Position Change, Concurrent Position, or Work Out of Class. Human Resources will be able to process these once a supervisor has submitted their information on the Manage Employee Appointments screen.

All letters contain the same text and formatting regardless of the institution or position. The salutation will contain the employee name provided in the Send New Hire Email process, and the hiring manager name is displayed at the end of the email. The link that will allow the new employee to access their record, or create one is located within the text of the email message.


Employee Creates a Record

A new employee will click on the link (token) and a new landing page will open in their browser. On this welcome page, they can either create an account or log in if they already have a StarID.​​​​​​​

Employee Creates an Account

If the new employee has no previous relationship with Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, they will need to provide demographic information which will be used to create a system user ID (Star ID) and employee affiliation to the hiring institution. If an employee is unsure if they have a previous relationship, they can begin to enter information and if enough data matches the system will let them know that they have an existing StarID. To begin this process, they will click on the “I need to create an account” button.

Employee has a StarID

If the new employee has previous association as an employee or student at any one of the 37 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, they may already have a Star ID. To log in with a Star ID, or to check for an existing Star ID, they will click on the “I already have a Star ID” button.​​​​​​​

New Hire Profile Information 

A new employee must provide private data to their hiring institution to share with Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB). The data collected will be used to administer employment with the State including verifying employment eligibility. An explanation of the use of each private data element is included on the Profile page under the additional information icon.​​​​​​​

Data includes Legal Name, SSN, Date of Birth, Gender, Personal Email, Phone, and Address. Once the data is entered and saved, the system uses SSN, DOB, legal last name, legal first name, and phone number to see if the new employee already exists in the system. If there is a match, they will be logged into the system. If there is not a match, they will be provided with a Create StarID screen where they will enter a password for their system generated StarID.

If an employee encounters issues with possible duplicate records, they should contact their HR office for assistance.


Employee Onboarding

An employee who indicates they have a StarID or a current employee may log into the system.

An employee who provides new hire information will be asked to provide a password that must be at least 8 characters long and must contain at least three of these types of characters: uppercase, lowercase, numbers or special characters. Once that information is provided, the employee will be taken to the Employee Home Landing page, and they will receive an email with their StarID that will be sent to the email provided in the New Hire Profile Information.

Access Employee Home

New and existing employees log in to Employee Home using this URL using their StarID and password:

My Profile

The My Profile section in Employee Home allows an employee to review and in some instances update demographic information. Here is an list of the sections:

  • Personal Information
  • ​​​​​​​Contact Information
  • Emergency Contact Information
  • Retirement Plan Participation History
  •  I-9 Information-(See I-9 Completion information below).
  • Work Experience
  • Education
  • Professional Licenses/Certificates

For details on completing each of these sections, see the Employee Home User Guide. ​​​​​​​


A new employee must complete the Employment Eligibility Verification form (I-9) by the end of their first day of work. They must read instructions carefully before completing this form and the instructions will be available during completion of this form. ANTI-DISCRIMINATION NOTICE: It is illegal to discriminate against work eligible individuals.

Employers CANNOT specify which document(s) they will accept from an employee. The refusal to hire an individual because of a future expiration date may also constitute illegal discrimination.

If a new employee has questions about I-9 completion, they should contact the institution Human Resources office.

The Retirement Plan Participation History should also be completed as soon as possible upon hire as the information provided is necessary to determine the proper retirement fund coverage and where deduction will be contributed.

Learn More

For more information, use the following links and tips. Employee Intake is an ongoing, phased effort that is part of the HR-TSM Project. The user guides will be revised as additional functionality is available, so refer to user guides first with questions about this application.


For optimal browser performance use Firefox, Chrome or Safari. Do not use Internet Explorer as many ISRS applications will not open or display properly if Internet Explorer is used. If your default browser is Internet Explorer, copy and paste the above URL and use one of the other browsers.


Depending on your role at your institution and the security permissions granted to you, you will have access to different Employee Home and Supervisor Tools features.​​​​​​​

User Guides

Access the User Guides to learn more about Employee Home and Employee Intake. Log in using and your StarID password.

Tip: You may access the user guides at any time by using the direct link in Employee Home. Go to the top right corner and select Help, User Guide.

IT Service Desk

Contact the IT Service Desk if you have problems accessing Employee Home.​​​​​​​

Contact Your Local HR Office

If you have questions about hiring, position vacancies, employee data, or job information; contact your Human Resources office.​​​​​​​



Article ID: 132939
Mon 5/3/21 5:09 PM
Mon 6/14/21 1:38 PM

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