Block or unblock automatic picture downloads in Outlook


How to unblock picture downloads in Office.



Microsoft Outlook is configured by default to block automatic picture downloads from the Internet. There are a few reasons why this is configured by default:

  • Preventing malicious code from being downloaded and damaging the data on your computer.
  • Allowing you to decide (especially if you're on a low-bandwidth connection) whether a particular image warrants the time and bandwidth required for viewing.
  • Helping you avoid viewing potentially offensive material (when external content is linked to the message).


How can I unblock pictures?


  • Unblock picture downloads for a single message
    • You can unblock downloads of linked pictures and other external content for a single message that comes from a trusted source.
    • Choose the InfoBar at the top of the message, and then click Download Pictures.
    • Flags and reminders for recipients are given in the message InfoBar.
    • When you click Download Pictures in a message that you're previewing in the Reading Pane, the message is saved automatically and displays the pictures again the next time that you open the message. But if you click Download Pictures in an open message and want the pictures to display the next time that you open the message, you must save the message.
  • Unblock picture downloads for all messages from a particular email address or domain
    • In an open message that was sent from a particular email address or domain, right-click a blocked item.
    • Do one of the following:
      • Click Add Sender to Safe Senders List.
      • Click Add the Domain @domain to Safe Senders List.







Article ID: 138308
Wed 3/2/22 10:06 AM
Tue 3/8/22 10:47 AM