Quality Review Checklist for Students: Written Work, Online Discussion Posts, Research Papers


This document covers the checklist which helps ensure written work is comprehensive and well-prepared for submission. It covers substance, proper sourcing, thorough proofreading, and guidelines for diverse types of assignments. Following this checklist improves the quality and accuracy of submitted work.



This document covers the checklist which helps ensure written work is comprehensive and well-prepared for submission. It covers substance, proper sourcing, thorough proofreading, and guidelines for diverse types of assignments. Following this checklist improves the quality and accuracy of submitted work. 

Quality Review Checklists

Written Work


  • Have I utilized all the required class materials? If I lacked confidence in the subject, did I refer to supplementary resources provided? 

  • Have I effectively addressed all the questions posed in the prompt? 

  • Have I comprehended the purpose of the writing assignment and produced an insightful and captivating response? Would I find my own work engaging to read? 

  • Does my writing flow logically and exhibit organization? 

  • Have I appropriately fulfilled the assignment’s requirements as specified in the instructions and its rubric (when available) (Hint: Crosscheck against assignment instructions and rubric)? 


  • Have I appropriately cited class resources within the text of my response? 

  • If I incorporated external sources, were they suitable academic references, and did I correctly cite them both within the text and in the works cited/references section? 

  • Have I made any unsupported claims without providing evidence? If so, I should consider removing such claims or finding supporting evidence. 


  • Have I checked for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors? Tip: Run the F7 function to bring up the built in Editor. 

  • Have I used the accurate font size & style and line spacing? Tip: Ensure you used the specified font size and style and spacing requirements. 

  • Have I used the consistent format throughout the assignment? 

  • Have I ensured consistency, such as maintaining the same tense (present/past) throughout? 

  • Is my writing concise? Have I eliminated unnecessary words used to impress or artificially increase word count, as these tactics do not deceive professors. 

  • Have I included the required cover page, table of contents, word count or page numbers, if specified? 

  • Have I included my name and any other necessary heading information on this assignment? 

  • Have I uploaded the correct assignment/version on D2L, and that assignment is visible? 

Online Discussions

  • If this is a response on a discussion board, have I responded to my fellow classmate in a kind, clear, and good-faith manner? 

  • Have I engaged my classmates in a way that I would appreciate being engaged with? 

  • Have I appropriately fulfilled the assignment’s requirements as specified in instructions and its rubric (Hint: Crosscheck against assignment instructions and rubric)?   

Research Paper

  • Have I clearly stated the paper's purpose? Have I explicitly defined the motivating research question? 

  • Have I provided a roadmap of what the paper will cover? 

  • Have I included at least one sentence explaining the significance of the research and why it matters? 

  • Have I engaged with existing research on the subject? Have I read and understood a variety of research and identified my contribution to the field? 

  • Have I clearly explained my research methodology? 

  • Have I summarized the main points for the reader's understanding? 

  • Does my conclusion clearly state the objectives of the paper and the findings I have discovered? 

  • Have I appropriately fulfilled the assignment’s requirements as specified in instructions and its rubric (Hint: Crosscheck against assignment instructions and rubric)? 


Acquoy, M. (2021a, November 30). Final checklist before submitting your assignment.  



Article ID: 147652
Wed 10/11/23 5:26 PM
Wed 7/24/24 12:31 PM