ℹ️ Student Communication Tips


  1. Ensure your initial email to students feels welcoming. Let them know you’re glad to have them in the class! It is best practice to email your students before your first class, if the class is meeting in-person, hybrid or synchronously online.
  2. On D2L and in your syllabus be clear about your plans for the delivery of your course. Ensure you have days, dates, times, and classroom numbers for in-person meetings; and days, dates and times for synchronous online meetings. You may consider communicating this information in a table or in a bulleted list. This information can be found on eServices for each course you teach.  
  3. On D2L and in your syllabus, clearly state how you will communicate with your students. D2L email messaging or announcements can be very effective and can be the most stable. You may also want to list a contact phone number (perhaps for your office, or the dean’s office) in case of an emergency. Encourage students to sign up for STAR Alert as well.
  4. In your syllabus let students know about your policies and guidelines for submitting assignments, participating in class meetings, and checking in with them throughout the term.
  5. On D2L and in your syllabus, provide students resource links for D2L, Zoom, and online learning:
  6. In your syllabus, let students know how you will you be conducting visits, appointments, and office hours. Be clear about in-person vs. remote appointments; drop-in vs. scheduled appointments as well as about your expectations for appointment days, dates, and times.  
  7. In your syllabus, if your course is online, let students know you will administer exams online. You may also want to have students log into D2L, test e-mail, and test their Zoom connection at the start of the semester should you need those capabilities later.  
  8. Encourage open lines of communication about students’ academic, physical, and mental health and well-being. In your syllabus, provide students resource links for online support sources such as The Write Place, Information Technology Services, SCSU Medical Clinic, Counseling and Psychological Services, and the University Library.
  9. Include a link to the Student Code of Conduct in your syllabus.
  10. If you have not determined some of the specifics for your course, it’s okay to say that. Let students know when they can expect to hear from you with more details.



Article ID: 152512
Wed 8/14/24 12:23 PM
Thu 8/15/24 4:48 PM