ℹ️ Sample Welcome Emails to Students


Example: Initial Email Communication (Hybrid Course) 

Welcome to CMST 192: Introduction to Communication Studies! I would like to welcome you to the class and express my hope for a worthwhile semester. While I realize that you're probably enrolled in this course because you are required to take it, I believe it can be of great benefit to you as students and citizens, and as people who will be active in important professions and who want to enjoy satisfying personal relationships. Communication is important in all of these areas, and I am confident that if you make a commitment to learn in this class, you will be rewarded by the results. 

This section of CMST 192 will be taught in a hybrid format. This means that there are both in person/face-to-face and online components to this course. My plan is that I will meet with you face-to-face during the first several weeks of class, on days we have discussions and when you deliver your speeches. On other days we will meet online via Zoom during our regularly scheduled class time. And on the days you are not in class you will be asked to complete work through D2L Brightspace, SCSU’s online learning management system. I know this sounds confusing, but I promise you it will become clear. I will keep in contact with you via email and the D2L Announcements, so I encourage you to check both of these frequently 

I have provided more information in the D2L Brightspace shell for this class: Log in (over on the right side) using your Star ID and your password. Once you’ve logged on you will find links to the D2L shells for each of your classes. Click on the one for CMST 192. Read the Announcements there for information about the course schedule, what days you will attend class, and links for other essential services provided to help you succeed. 

I know you may have questions after reading this. Please do not hesitate to contact me, abcde@stcloudstate.edu. I am looking forward to working with you this semester. Remember, check your email and D2L Announcements frequently and contact me when you have questions. 


Example:  Initial E-mail Communication (Asynchronous Online Course) 

Welcome to LIB2020! This course will be taught as an online asynchronous course format. This means that your learning journey (while starting together as a class) might not be at the same pace as your other classmates, as you are working toward the course goals at different times in the semester. There may be deadlines for submission of assignments, group work, or other required skills or tasks that might be the same for all students in this course (such as the final assignment date!). All of these components will be outlined both in the “Course Calendar” document in D2L (in the “Content” tab), as well as in the Calendar tool. Asynchronous learning allows for some flexibility in how you are pacing out the required modules and reading during week but joining in discussion forums will be required by (Friday evenings at 6:00pm each week). Asynchronous learning also means that our group work/discussions will require that you set up a time with your small group to discuss your topic as there is no designated day or time (or location, other than online for our work), but this also provides for some flexibility for you. Because this is an online course, you will not be required to come to campus, but campus services are still available for your use and support: 

  • (List of services—i.e. library, Write Place, ITS, Counseling/Health services, other?) 
  • Additionally, if you require any accommodation, whether due to a documented disability, or a health-related emergency, please contact the following offices and support staff to assist you: (Add links/contact information) 

I will be available at (designated days/times each week for consultation) via Zoom, and you can also contact me via email or by phone (insert information). If you have any questions about the format for this course, I will be available (xxx) to assist in the discussion forum (or other format). 



Article ID: 152513
Wed 8/14/24 12:35 PM
Wed 8/14/24 4:14 PM