Practicum and Internship Courses in the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Program


The Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Masters program requires on-site supervision by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) - what can I do if there are no BCBAs near me?


In this situation, the faculty may approve one of two alternative options for you.

The ABA Masters program requires that students be supervised during their practicum and internship experiences by either a BCBA or a doctoral-level clinician. Students may obtain supervision from a licensed psychologist or similarly credentialed professional who has expertise in the area of service delivery.

Students should note that practicum and internship hours that are not supervised by a BCBA – or are supervised by a BCBA but do not meet other requirements of fieldwork experience – will count for the SCSU Masters program but will not count toward the 1,500 supervised fieldwork hours required for the credential.



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