Loan Repayment


Loan Repayment


When do I have to start paying back my student loan? 


There is a grace period for federal student loans. The federal Direct Loan has a 6 month grace period before you begin repayment. Prior to graduating or you are no longer enrolled at least half-time (6 credits), your federal loan servicer will send you a notice that lists your monthly payment amount, payment due date, and contact information. 

Your federal loan servicer can be found by logging into the Federal Student Aid site with your FSA ID and password and click on “view loan servicer details.” 

Most non-federal loans (Minnesota SELF Loan and private loans) do not have a grace period for repayment. Contact the lender directly for information on repayment requirements. 

Please click here for more information regarding student loans.


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Article ID: 129274
Wed 3/3/21 12:38 PM
Mon 7/15/24 4:42 PM

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