ℹ️ SCSU Online Education Policy

The process of designing online courses is different than the process for face-to-face courses; more time is required upfront in online course design as the instructional materials need to be in place prior to the actual course start date. This information is intended to help instructors consider the steps in the design process.  Many of the guiding principles can be used by instructors while developing hybrid and technology-enhanced courses

Policies for SCSU Online  
St. Cloud State University recognizes the advantages of online learning for our students and is committed to supporting teaching & learning goals and standards of quality that are consistent for all delivery methods and in keeping with the university’s mission. Additionally, online teaching and learning at SCSU meets criteria defined by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).  

Online Policy  
All curriculum, instruction, and student support for online education programs and courses will be comparable in quality and standards to equivalent programs offered in face-to-face instructional formats.   

Scope: All online education as defined by HLC and SCSU.  
Criterion 1: The quality of curricula in online education programs and courses are comparable to equivalent programs and courses offered in face-to-face instructional formats.   
Criterion 2: The experience of online education must be equal, although different, for students and instructors. To meet these requirements, alternative pedagogical and communication methods will be applied.   
Criterion 3: Online learning development will reside in the framework of existing policies and procedures for academic courses and programs.   


Data Privacy:   
All online instruction must be conducted within the learning management system selected and supported by the Minnesota State System or SCSU. All instruction must comply with SCSU, Minnesota State System Office privacy policies and FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act). Refer to the links for additional information:  
SCSU Technology Account Access and Management policies  
SCSU Online Education policy

Academic Oversight  
Academic Affairs has oversight of compliance with academic policies and procedures established by St. Cloud State University, Minnesota State, North Central Higher Learning Commission, and certifying bodies to ensure that online programs and courses fulfill current standards.
Online education courses and programs are conducted in accordance with policies and procedures as provided in the graduate and undergraduate student handbooks.  

Evaluation and Grade Submission:
Instructors are responsible for the assessment of student learning outcomes. Instructors are responsible for reporting final grades pursuant to SCSU Registrar timelines.  

Student Support:  
SCSU is responsible for providing students with access to online courses and programs. Students will be able to complete all necessary functions online, including application, registration, transcripts, and grades. All SCSU services will be made available as equal (not identical) to campus face-to-face and can be accessed remotely.   

Faculty Support:  
Training is available to instructors who want to develop and teach an online course. Training sessions will be conducted to assist faculty with technology and online course design. Group and individual training sessions will be available throughout the year. Tutorials and resources for online education are available on the SCSU Online website.

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Article ID: 152519
Wed 8/14/24 1:14 PM
Tue 9/17/24 9:51 AM