Project Proposal Submission and Prioritization


The Project Prioritization Process

Once a year, the Information Technology Services issues a call for project proposals to the campus. All proposals submitted go through the project prioritization process, which is the framework we use to select the projects that best support St Cloud State University Strategic Plan, projects that are required by the Chancellor’s Office, legally mandated, contribute to student success, or increase efficiency in campus processes and operations.

Proposals are scored by the Campus Prioritization Group using a scoring rubric designed specifically for this purpose. Based on those results and the availability of ITS staff resources, we prepare a proposed project prioritization order for the approval of President's Cabinet to include with their recommendations to the President for the final approval. Bear in mind that a high-scoring project may not be able to start immediately if funds or resources are not immediately available; conversely, a lower-scoring project may be able to start immediately because the necessary funds and/or resources are available.


Important Events: 

  • Projects submitted and prioritized within your area 
  • Requests are reviewed and scored by Prioritization Group
  • Cabinet Initial Review 
  • Technical and Security Review 
  • President final approval 
  • Assign resources and identify capacity 
  • Project announcement to campus


How ITS can Help 

For each proposal that passes initial review, ITS will work with you on the functional analysis and perform a security review.

During the functional analysis, you will be able to talk through your proposal to ensure all relevant information is covered, including the key business requirements that will drive the success of the project. The results of this session will be evaluated by technical resources to clarify the project’s complexity and estimate time to completion.  

It’s important that requester make time to participate in these sessions, as this will ensure all possible information is available for ITS planning, scheduling and, ultimately, the success of the project.   

Check out the list of all current projects.


Campus Prioritization Group

Current Project Prioritization Steering Committee members are:

  • Dan Gregory, Provost
  • Jeff Wagner, Director of Business Services
  • Kristen Carlson, Assistant Professor
  • Phil Thorson, Deputy Chief Information Officer



Article ID: 102566
Mon 3/23/20 3:11 PM
Fri 1/22/21 3:16 PM

Related Services / Offerings

Related Services / Offerings (2)

Request a change or enhancement to an existing business application or service.
Request a new project, custom business application, LEAN facilitation, or other large initiative requiring IT coordination. IT project requests are collaboratively and strategically prioritized with campus constituents, especially academic and administrative leadership, to ensure we best meet the needs of our campus community. Approved project requests will be managed by an IT project manager and will include the steps required to effectively complete the project, including but not limited to: Project consultation, business analysis, architecture and security review, project management coordination, communications and more.

