Adobe Print jobs showing up light


What do if Adobe is printing jobs light




What to do if Adobe Print jobs are showing up light.



     1. Open Acrobat DC, before you open any new PDF files, click on the Edit menu option at top left, and choose Preferences:

  1. Click on content Editing and change the two Default font choices to your preference
  2. You can also change Font size


If you have difficulty or errors with these processes, please open a ticket with the IT Service Desk.

We recommend you use Acrobat DC as this works best. To see how to change your default application for Windows 10, click on the Windows 10 link . To view how to change your default programs in Windows 7, click on the Windows 7 link








Article ID: 120294
Thu 11/12/20 5:00 PM
Thu 4/15/21 10:17 AM

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