Certiport Testing


Certiport Testing Center


The Welcome Center at St. Cloud State University is a Certiport Authorized Test Center.  We schedule exams with Certiport using Exams From Home which is a solution that delivers the traditional in person exam in a virtual environment.

Times to proctor are 9am – 3pm Monday – Friday.  We only schedule on the hour per Certiport availability.  Scheduling is done manually by phone or email.  There is no online scheduling available to testers. 

Vouchers can be purchased by us for testers on a need only basis.  We do not purchase any in advance to keep on hand.  We require at least a two day notice to purchase the voucher from Certiport.  A credit card number is required from the tester to purchase.  If you have a voucher, you would just pay the $45 proctor fee.

Pricing is based on if you are a student or not and which exam you want to take.

More information can be found on the Certiport Testing Center page.



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Article ID: 132674
Tue 4/20/21 3:18 PM
Mon 7/15/24 2:04 PM

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