Follow these steps to configure the Outlook 2016 application on a Windows computer. This will allow you to view the shared mailbox and your student employee account mailbox. This method is required if you intend to send Mail Merge emails from the shared mailbox.
- Open the 'Control Panel' (click on the start button and type control, click on Control Panel).
- Type 'Mail' in the search bar and click on 'Mail (32bit)'.
- Click on 'Show Profiles...'
- If there is a current profile for a previous student worker, please delete the existing Outlook profile.
- If there will be multiple student workers using the same supplemental account to sign into the computer, please ensure that 'Prompt for a profile to be used' is selected, and click 'add'.
- Give the new profile a name.
- Note: When prompted for an email address. Delete the default or current email address and substitute that of the shared mailbox address. Please update the Name with your name. Leave the password blank for now and click Next.

- The Microsoft authentication screen will appear and you will be prompted for an email address and password. Do not enter the email address on this screen! Please use your and your password, then click 'OK'. Examples:
- Employees/Emeriti:
- Students:
- Student Employees:
- If you are both an employee and a student, set up your employee email account first. You can access the shared mailbox later.
- You may choose to check 'Remember my credentials'.
- Click 'Finish' when it confirms completion, and then click 'OK' to exit the mail configuration window.
- Launch Outlook. You may need to click on the drop down list and select your newly created profile to access the Shared Mailbox.
- Click Next.
- The Microsoft office authentication menu will pop on the screen. Enter your password, then click Sign in.
- When Outlook completes setup for your account click Finish.
Outlook will open and begin downloading your mail and folders. This process can take a while if you have a significant amount of email, so please be patient. If your content is not synced within 45 minutes, please contact HuskyTech. Outlook will display the message "updating this folder" when it is syncing and "up to date" at the bottom of your Outlook screen when the mailbox is downloaded.
We suggest letting Outlook finish its initial download of mail before exiting. (You can minimize the window and continue using your machine while you wait.)