Artificial intelligence (AI) developments and usage will continue to expand swiftly across the world. In the interest of our University’s mission to prepare our students for life, work and citizenship in the twenty-first century, we must lean into evolving technologies such as AI. Our campus community is encouraged to learn about and integrate innovative AI solutions in a responsible, secure and ethical manner. By embracing AI ourselves, we can more effectively prepare our students for their futures. We expect to update this information and add additional articles to the Knowledge Base to stay current with the rapidly evolving AI technologies, address questions that arise, and incorporate new or changing regulations and best practices.
Can I use ChatGPT within a course?
What guidelines should instructors follow when it comes to using artificial intelligence?
- The use of ChatGPT has been approved as a low risk service provided that use adheres to the guidance below. Accounts may be created using personal or campus email addresses.
- Do not upload or submit data to an AI service that is classified non-public per the Minnesota statute Chapter 13 - Government Data Practices Act. Do not upload student coursework to any AI service, including coursework that does not identify a student.
- Anonymize or de-identify personal and sensitive data submitted to an AI service to protect user privacy.
- If you use AI in your course materials, provide explanations to the audience(s) about how generative AI was used to create the content.
- Ensure that AI initiatives consider diverse perspectives and promote inclusivity. Monitor for unintended discriminatory effects in generated content.
- Communicate how data will be used and protected where applicable.
- Minimize the collection of personally identifiable information.
- Clearly communicate the role of AI in the learning process.
- Avoid creating misleading or harmful content.
- Stay updated on emerging regulations that impact AI in education.
- Do not upload or submit any information you would not want used or shared in the future. Generative AI technologies record data received to “learn”, therefore giving it the ability to generate new outputs based on the data it has been trained on.
These guidelines were prepared with the assistance of ChatGPT generative AI software.