Modern Desktop Service/Lifecycle Management



On Hold - Deprioritized [The project has been on hold due to deprioritization.]

25% complete, updated on Fri 5/20/22 11:28 AM by Craig Hoel

Changed Status from In Process to On Hold - Deprioritized.
Changed Health from Green - On track to On Hold.
Changed On Hold Until from Nothing to Mon 8/15/22.
Now Micro has demonstrated that they are able to image our devices, however, there are significantly more device prep activities which we will need to transition.

This project is on hold due to other priorities within 2022/QM1. If it is determined that we would like to engage Now Micro for additional device prep activities, the meetings will begin next iteration.


Tue 9/1/20 - Wed 9/1/21
Information Technology Services
Projects, Enhancements and Automation / ITS Project Request
Projects, Enhancements and Automation / University Wide Project
On Hold
On Hold Until
Mon 8/15/22
Mon 9/21/20 1:26 PM
Fri 5/20/22 11:28 AM


To ensure that computing resources are up-to-date and continue to fulfill our academic and operational needs, SCSU will move to a computer hardware replacement strategy. The primary goal is to replace desktops and laptops every 4-5 years as funding allows.

Primary goals for this strategy include:
• Providing faculty and staff with access to a device/computer with sufficient capability to support basic computing needs in fulfillment of their work responsibilities and the university’s operational needs
• Establishing a centralized budget which provides basic computing resources for university employees
• Implementing core standards for computing resources on campus to focus on mobility for most faculty/staff, desktops for non-mobile employees
• Increase responsiveness and supportability for the university’s installed base of equipment
• Streamlining the specification, acquisition, deployment, and support of new equipment and re-deployment or disposal of old equipment
• Delivery reliability, efficient support, and purchasing, control costs (limit 1 computer to person from $)
• Data security: reduce risk from using an old computer with old operating systems
• increase inventory accuracy and control disposal
• Don’t have a one size fits all (exception process for new hires and/or old systems)



Stakeholders (1)

Christopher Stanley
Consulted, Informed
Project Stakeholder
Mon 6/14/21 11:43 AM