Completing the FAFSA if Getting Married


Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! 

When you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) the question will be, "As of today, are you married?"  The question must be answered as of the day you file your FAFSA, not what is planned at a future date. 


  • If you file your FAFSA before your marriage and answer "No" to all of the dependency questions, parent information must be used on the FAFSA. 

  • If you file your FAFSA after your marriage, you would answer "Yes" to at least one dependency question ("As of today, are you married?") and would use your information and income and also your spouse's information and income. You would not use parent information or income.   

Remember: Your marital status cannot be changed after you have filed your FAFSA. 


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Article ID: 128724
Thu 2/25/21 9:23 AM
Mon 7/15/24 11:11 AM

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