Adobe Portfolio Sites - User Guide


How to use Adobe Portfolio

For a brief overview of Adobe Portfolio, please click here.

To access the video tutorial, please click here.



Navigate to:

new site and edit site area

If you have an existing site, please click on the “Edit site” button.

edit site button

If you don’t have an existing site, please click on the “New site” button.

new site button

For new sites, please click on the “Welcome Page” button (note: the “Full Portfolio” option generates a more complex site).

full portfolio or welcome page buttons

You will be presented with 6 themes to choose from. For a basic theme, please select the “Centered-Light” theme. You will be able to customize the theme colors once you begin to build your site.

various theme options

You will be routed to the page editor; this is the area where you will start setting up the various pages for your site.

various editing functions

To begin building the pages of the site, please click on “Pages” in the left sidebar.

nav menu showing 'pages' option

You will see 2 pages already created by default (“Home” and “Work”).


The current “Home” page is using the “Welcome Page” template, which doesn’t allow for a site navigation menu. If you need additional pages for your site (such as an “About Me” or “Contact” page), you will need create a new standard page that serves as the home page for your site.

pages menu showing 2 default pages

To create a standard home page, please click on the blue plus/add icon located in the bottom right corner of the page list.

page list with new page button

From the list of available options that will populate, please select the first option that is titled “Page”.

add custom page option

When prompted:

  • Enter “Home” in the “Page Title” field.
  • Check the “make this my homepage” checkbox.
  • Click the blue “Create Page” button.

new page name option

You will need to go back and delete the default “Home” page (which is using the “Welcome Page” template).


To do this, please click on “Pages” in the left sidebar.

nav menu showing 'pages' option

The first page that you see is the page that you just created. You will need to delete the second page that you see listed here.

page list with custom home page

Click on the gear icon which is located on the right of the page name.

page list showing the 'home' page

A menu will populate. Please click on the last option which is titled “Delete Page”.

page list showing delete option

You will be prompted to confirm the page deletion. Please click on the red “Delete Page” button.

delete page button and confirmation

You can verify that the page is removed by clicking on the “Pages” icon in the left sidebar.


nav menu showing 'pages' option

You will see that the default homepage that was using the “Welcome Page” template is now removed. Note: The “Work” page is a default page that is also created when a site is initially created. You can delete this page if desired.

pages menu showing 2 default pages

For consistency, please rename the URL of the homepage. By default, it will be named “home-1” and it should be renamed to “home”.


To change the page URL, please click on the gear icon for the page and select “Edit Page URL”.

page list with edit URL option

Change “home-1” to “home” and hit “Enter” on your keyboard to save the change.

page name field

To start editing the “Home” page, please click on the page name in the page list.

page list with home page listed

You will now see a blank page template. To begin adding content to your page, please select from the various tools located at the bottom of the page under the “Start building your page” section.

new page elements listed

In this example, we will be using the “Text” tool. Please click on this icon.

text element option

A text box will appear on the page.

open textbox option

You can either start typing into the text box or copy and paste text directly into this box. Once you are done adding text, you can simply click outside of the text box to save the text changes.

textbox with text

Various page settings/options will be available in the left sidebar.

sidebar menu options

If you want to change the page background color, please:


  • Click on “Page background”.
  • Check the “Include background color” check box.
  • Select a color (you can either choose from the color picker or enter in a custom hex value).
  • The background color will be applied automatically by clicking back into the page.


To add additional pages to your site, please click on the “Pages” icon in the left sidebar.

nav menu showing 'pages' option

Please click on the blue plus/add icon to add another page.

page list with new page button

Select the first option titled “Page”.

add custom page option

Give this additional page a name by entering the name in the “Page Title” field and then click on the blue “Create Page” button.

new page name field

You will now see the blank page template for this additional page. By default, the navigation will list the last page that you created FIRST in the navigation.

main page editor with various element options

To change the navigation menu order, please click on the “Pages” icon in the left sidebar.

nav menu showing 'pages' option

Click and hold down the page name that you want to reorder by dragging and dropping the page link in the page list. In this example, we are making the “Home” page the first page/link in our navigation menu by dragging and dropping the page to the top of the page list.

page list order view

The change will be automatically saved. Please click on the back arrow to be routed back to the editor.

page list with back arrow

Within the editor, you can click around from page to page by simply clicking on the page link in the top navigation menu from within the editor.

top nav menu

Once you have completed building all of your pages and adding content to those pages, you will need to publish your site.


In the bottom of the left sidebar, there will be 2 buttons—“Publish Site” and “Preview”. Please click on “Preview” to see what your site looks like first before publishing it.

publish site and preview buttons

Once you preview your site, it will load in the browser window, and you are able to click around from page to page via the top menu navigation (the same way that you click from page to page from within the editor).

top nav menu

You are able to view how your page will render on various devices (desktop, tablet, phone) by clicking on the various device icons located at the bottom of the preview page.

mobile emulation options

To return to the page editor, simply click on the grey “Back to Edit” button located at the bottom of the page.


If no changes are needed, you can click on the green “Publish Site” button.

back to edit and publish site buttons

If you do click on the “Publish Site” button, your site will be published within a few seconds. Once published, you can view your site by clicking on the blue “View Your Site” button.

publish confirmation message

Your site will then display in the browser window.

page shown in browser window

When changes are needed for your site, simply go back to the editor, make the changes, and then click on the green “Update Live Site” button in the left sidebar.

update live site and preview buttons

Click on the blue “View Your Site” button.

publish confirmation message

The changes to the page that you made will be published. In this example, we added 2 paragraphs of text to the page.

site page with text shown in a browser window

To return to the “Manage Sites” area, please click on the Adobe Portfolio (“Pf”) logo located on the top of the left sidebar or navigate to:

manage sites menu