Changing O365 Primary Email


How to set your primary email for the global address book if you have had a name change or want a different format to your email address. This article also talks about Multiple Affiliations



How to change the primary email for your O365 Contact Card


To set a primary email

starlD prone 
Office 365 contact 
Security Questions 
On this page you may select what appears on your contact card in Office 365 applications such as email, SharePoint, Skype, and more. 
Changes to contact information take some time to appear in Office 365.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Select New Student Card
  • Select New Student Contact Card 
Return to profile

Select your new primary email address to be shown in the Global Address book. 

If you have more than one email address due to multiple affiliations with other Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, a preferred or legal name change* you will need to choose one email address as the primary. A primary email address is what appears in the Global Address book and what email appears each time you send an email. 

*Your name must be updated in the system by records/reg for students and HR for employees. A request must be sent to ITS for an email address update after your name has been updated. 

Multiple Affiliations:

If you are or have been a student or employee at multiple colleges, you will have an email address assigned for each college. You will need to choose what email address you want as primary. Student and employee mailboxes are separate. So if you are an employee at one college and take classes at another, you will have a student email address and an employee email address. 

If you have multiple student affiliations, you have one mailbox for all the colleges log in and access your email using your 

If you have multiple employee affiliations, you have one mailbox for all the colleges log in and access your email using your

**The system will then need about 4-24 hours to update the Global Address List.  You should then be able to search for your name in Outlook and it will default to the new email address. 





Article ID: 130050
Thu 3/11/21 2:51 PM
Tue 4/18/23 11:45 AM

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