Unpaid Balance Holds on My Account


Why do I have an Unpaid Balance Hold?


There are many types of holds which can be placed on a student's account that may prevent you from registering for classes, receiving official transcripts, or receiving financial aid.  The most common is a Unpaid Balance hold, which is a Finance Hold that is placed on a student account by the Business Office, when an unpaid balance exists for the current or a previous term after the due dates.

Unpaid Balance  (0031)

  • Contact Business Services at (320) 308-4012

Holds will remain on a student's account until the past due balance is paid in full.  Once the balance is paid, the hold will automatically be removed. 

Please see Student Bill, Payment Options & Due Dates for further information on how to make a payment, or contact our office at (320) 308-4012 with any questions.


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