Registration Holds on My Account


information on account holds



What is stopping me from registering for an undergraduate class?


There are many types of holds which can be placed on an undergraduate student's account that may prevent you from registering for classes. 

Please contact the office responsible for the hold to obtain further information about this registration restriction.

Common holds include:

Unpaid Balance  (0031)

  • Contact Business Services at (320) 308-4012

Academic Suspension  (0002)

  • Contact the Academic Appeals and Probation Office at (320) 308-4913
Immunization  (0034)
  • Please enter your immunization records online in our Immunization Record System
  • Click on immunization, then online student immunization report and enter your immunization information.
  • The Medical Clinic will then remove your immunization hold.
  • Please call (320) 308-4855 for further information.
Violence Prevention   (0084)
  • Contact Women's Center at (320) 308-4958


Please contact the Office of Records and Registration at (320) 308-2111 if you need further assistance.







Article ID: 129505
Fri 3/5/21 1:17 PM
Thu 7/1/21 12:34 PM

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