How to open and use a Shared Mailbox in the Outlook App for Android?
1. In the Outlook App, tap on the 3 vertical lines in the top left corner.
2. A menu will appear, select the Settings icon (looks like a cog-wheel) at the bottom.

3. On the Settings screen, choose Add Account, then choose Add an Email Account.
4. Enter the name of the Shared Mailbox (example:, then click continue.
This will take you to an office 365 login screen asking for a password. Since it is a shared mailbox and you most likely do not have a password, click the back arrow on your phone.
5. A new screen will appear called Choose Account Type. Select IMAP
6. Turn on the switch for Advanced Settings and enter the following information:
- Email Address:
- Password: YOUR StarID account password
- Display Name: what you want the mailbox to be called
- IMAP Hostname:
- IMAP Username: (your_primary_account)
- IMAP Password: YOUR StarID account password
- SMTP Hostname:
- SMTP Username: (your_primary_account)
Once you have successfully entered the information please hit the checkmark. If done correctly it will go to a screen showing your email accounts.