Search235 Results

What to do if my Campus Card has been lost or stolen?
Locations of campus/curriculum labs and student printers
Software Center on Windows 10
How to set up and use Airtame and how to connect to Airtame via Eduroam
How to install Adobe Creative Cloud in Windows 10
How to download Outlook plugin for Zoom on Windows
Links to instructional materials for requesting and correcting time off in Workday.
How to set up SCSU VPN on Windows 10
How to connect to secure applications and services while working off campus
What services are provided by HuskyTech?
What to do if you experience issues with the T.V. in a group study room
How and where to add funds to PrintCard
Where to get virrus removal and cleaning services?
Where to reach out to for questions about myHuskyNet
FAQ on how to use the team management features of Microsoft Teams