Connecting to HuskyNet Secure WiFi on an iOS device



This page is used to set up WiFi on an iOS based device. If you wish to remove a WiFi connection/profile, please use this guide for the removal




Setup for iOS devices. (iPhone, iPod, iPad)

  1. Start by tapping on your "Settings" App.
  2. Then tap on "Wi-Fi".
  3. Then select "HuskyNet Secure". Then type in your StarID as your username, and the corresponding password.
  4. Once you enter your credentials, you will be prompted to trust the certificate.
  5. Cert.jpeg
  6. After your credentials are verified and the certificate is trusted, you will then be connected to the network

* If you have a randomized MAC address selected, you will have issues connecting. To shut off go to Settings, Wi-Fi, then tap on the wireless network you are trying to connect to, and toggle Private Address Off.



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