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- Knowledge Base
- Financial Aid
- Policies
Enrollment requirements for graduate students.
- Knowledge Base
- Financial Aid
- Loans
Who can borrow a federal PLUS loan.
- Knowledge Base
- Financial Aid
- Applying for Financial Aid
Eligibility for financial aid for post-baccalaureate and graduate students.
- Knowledge Base
- Graduate Studies
Update my graduate degree audit.
- Knowledge Base
- Graduate Studies
Directions on accessing and using the "Seek Registration Permission" digital form in the School of Graduate Studies
- Knowledge Base
- Billing and Payments
Information on average cost of attendance
- Knowledge Base
- Billing and Payments
Tuition and fees information for graduate assistantships
- Knowledge Base
- Financial Aid
- Policies
How many credits is full-time in summer?
- Knowledge Base
- Admissions
How to apply to SCSU