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How to Enable Respondus Monitor for a Quiz
How to setup Respondus Monitor for Quizzes ... to make sure everything is working properly. If a problem is indicated, students can search for a solution in the Knowledge Base. Troubleshooting information can also be emailed to your institution's
Microsoft Authenticator App Installation Process for iPhone
Apple ID password.
***To finish up the setup process, refer to Mobile App step 2a on the Setting Up Multi-Factor Authentication with Office365 article.
Known Issues
If your phone puts
Konica Printer Reconfiguration for Account Tracking - Windows
Basic tab
8. Then click on Authentication/Account Track as shown below in the example
9. Next, enter your credentials on the right or left side depending on how it is setup
Connecting to HuskyNetSecure WiFi on an Android device
This page is used to setup WiFi on an Android based device. If you wish to remove a WiFi connection/profile, please use the following link: How to Forget a Wireless Network
Request Technology Hardware or Accessories (University)
Includes proper warranty, insurance and/or maintenance package
Receive best pricing comparison of IT Services and State contracted vendors
Effective equipment configuration and setup
How to request a Shared Mailbox
Request a shared mailbox (SCSU email account that can be used by multiple people). ... email ... to schedule and view appointments.
Shared email accounts are owned by the department or organization and require approval from the employee responsible for the mailbox and require supervisor
Request Shared Mailbox
Request a shared mailbox (SCSU email account that can be used by multiple people). ... email ... to schedule and view appointments.
Shared email accounts are owned by the department or organization and require approval from the employee responsible for the mailbox and require supervisor
Microsoft Authenticator App Installation Process for Android
password if prompted.
***To finish up the setup process, refer to Mobile App step 2a on the Setting Up Multi-Factor Authentication with Office365 article.
Known Issues
If your phone
Resync OneDrive documents to your Office account
steps for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OneNote, Publisher)
2) Click on File.
3) Click on Open > OneDrive.
4) Click on Sign In.
5) Log in with your email and password.
How to share a mailbox/dept files for a department or organization
ownership of the mailbox. If you want to give someone else ownership please email with those details.*
How do I add members to a shared mailbox I own or
How to create a calendar on Microsoft Bookings
click on Continue.
You will receive an email letting you know the calendar has been created.
6. Click on Staff
7. Notice you are the administrator already. Now you are ready to
Changing my Academic Advisor
and Student Transitions about an advisor change. If you want a specific faculty member for an advisor, you should contact that faculty member and have them email to request the agreed upon change.
Submit a request for help
Backup or Restore Notes on OneNote
Click on Outlook > Inbox and look for the email you sent.
Click on the OneNote link.
Note any changes that had been made and update your notes accordingly.
Submit a request for help
Connecting Chromecast to SCSU Gadgets
Download the Google Cast app. You MUST use a phone or tablet to set up the Chromecast. We have had issues using a computer for the setup. Launch the Google Cast app.
2. When you launch
Commencement Ceremony and Events - Specific Details
How do I get specific details about the commencement ceremony and events?
Commencement ceremony registration is submitted with your Graduation Application