Recreate Email Signature for Outlook on Mac


How to recreate my Email Signature for Outlook on Mac?



Create an Email Signature

  1. Open Outlook Application. Select Outlook (Top right of your screen) > Preferences. The Outlook Preferences window opens.
  2. Select Signatures. The Signatures dialog box opens.
  3. Select beneath the list of signatures. A new signature line appears in the signature name list.
  4. Enter a name for the new signature and type the desired text of your signature under Signature.
  5. Select the options you want to use in the Choose Default Signature section. For example, to use this signature for all new messages you create, select the signature name in the New Messages list.
  6. Close the dialog box when you are finished.


Rename an Email Signature

  1. In the signature list, select the name of the signature you want to change.

Note: If the signature name does not turn editable, select it again. Make sure you select the name of the signature, not the space that is next to it.

  1. Type a new name for the signature. Press Enter.


Set the Default Signature in Outlook

  1. Select Outlook > Preferences.
  2. Select Signatures.
  3. For each email account whose default signatures you want to change:
  • Select the desired account under Account in the Choose default signature section.
  • Choose the signature you want to insert in new emails under New messages.
  • Pick the signature you want to be used automatically in replies and when you forward under Replies/forwards.
  • Choose None for no default signature, if you don't want a signature on replies. You can still insert one manually when you write a message.
  • Close the 'signature' preferences window.


Insert a Signature in an Email in Outlook for MAC

  1. Click New Email > Message.
  2. Click Signature and select the signature you want to insert. 
  3. As an alternative to the message toolbar, select Draft > Signatures from the menu and then pick the signature you want.

Note: You will need to set up your email signature for Office 365 Outlook again or simply reselect when the signature will be applied to your messages.

If you are not sure what version of Outlook you are using, Click on the link Outlook versions on the web to check.


Instructions for Outlook on Web

  1. Open Outlook on the web.  Go to Settings (upper-right corner of the browser) > View all Outlook settings.
  2. Click on Compose and reply. Under Email signature, type your signature. If you want, check the boxes below it. Then click Save at the top.



Instructions for Classic (Old) Outlook on Web

  1. Open Outlook on the web. Go to Settings (upper-right corner of the browser), then click Mail. (This should give you a list of Options on the left side of the page
  2. Under Mail > Layout > Email signature.
  3. Create your email signature. If you want, check the boxes above it:
  4. Click Save to save these settings.

NOTE: In many cases, your signature is there (has automatically transferred from the old tenant), you will simply have to reselect to apply to new messages or reply/forwards. 


For Window users:  Recreate your email Signature Outlook (Windows)




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Article ID: 118197
Mon 10/12/20 5:53 PM
Thu 4/15/21 10:15 AM

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