How to Edit a Quiz in D2L



How Can I Edit a D2L Quiz?



 1. Select the class from the list of courses.

 2. Under the Assessments tab and click on "Quizzes"

3. Select the quiz you wish to edit from the list of available quizzes.

4. Click on the Add/Edit Questions button found above the list of questions. 

5. Click on the question you would like to make changes to.

6. After the changes are complete, Save the changes.

7. Click on Done Editing to return to the quiz page where you can create changes and restrictions upon the quiz

8. Once the user is satisfied with the changes, click Save and Close to finalize changes. The user will be navigated back to the list of quizzes.



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Article ID: 118984
Thu 10/22/20 2:16 PM
Thu 7/1/21 9:19 AM

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