D2L non-login issues
Respondus LockDown Browser
Classroom Information for teaching in rooms

Articles (41)

Pinned Article How can I connect my device to a classroom setup that only supports laptops?

How to use a classroom that is HDMI setup only?

Pinned Article List of Laptop Only (no instructor computer) Classrooms

For a list of classrooms requiring you to bring your device (Laptop-Only) please see this information

Pinned Article Some classrooms needed laptop to project/display (no presenter station at computer)

Information and support for laptop-dependent classrooms

Pinned Article What should I know about using the computer in a classroom for teaching or presentations?

How to present in a classroom that has a computer in the room.

Barnes & Noble Textbook link -- Adding to your D2L Brightspace course

How to add the Barnes & Noble First Day / Inclusive Access link to your course.

Code of Conduct Training for Student Workers

How to enroll Student Workers in the Code of Conduct training

Course Email Lists

Information on how to send email to an entire course/classlist, and why this is replacing the old course email listserv.

Creating Accessible Content

Audience: Faculty
Make accessibility a habit. Includes a list of commonly used tools and features and links to websites for detailed steps on how to create accessible content.

Export Names and Email from D2L Brightspace using the Gradebook

Steps to export first name, last name and primary email address from the D2L Brightspace gradebook for use in a GitHub classroom roster.

Finding your D2L Brightspace Courses

Instructions for finding your D2L Brightspace courses.

Five Tips for Effective Group Collaboration

The document offers guidance for effective group collaboration.

Free Online Tutoring & Academic Support for Students

How to accessTutor.com which is a free online tutoring and academic support tool that allows all St. Cloud State students to access an extensive list of online tutoring

GitHub Classroom - Getting Started - Joining the St. Cloud State University GitHub Org

Instructions on joining your personal GitHub account with the St. Cloud State University GitHub organization.

GitHub Copilot - Getting Started

Information about getting started with GitHub Copilot.

GitHub Pages - Getting Started

Instructions and information about starting, setting up and formatting a GitHub Pages site.

GitHub Student Developer Pack – Access and Benefits

What is the Student Developer Pack?

The Student Developer Pack is a collection of student-only benefits from some of the world's most innovative companies. Student Developer Pack partners work with GitHub to extend these offers to our verified students because they know that the best way to support future developers is by gaining hands-on experience with industry standard products and tools.

Group Assignment Question and Answer

This document addresses common questions related to group assignments, including expectations for the project, identifying team mates, organizing communication, creating assignment documents, collaborating on electronic documents, and handling conflicts within the group. It emphasizes clear communication and seeking instructor assistance if issues persist.

How do I Email all Students at once in a D2L Brightspace Course

How to email all students from a course in one go

How to Complete a Video Presentation Assignment

The document explains how to complete a video presentation assignment using MediaSpace, Kaltura Capture, PowerPoint, iMovie, and Prezi video. It covers recording, uploading, and sharing videos, as well as adding closed captions and editing. PowerPoint and other tools are suggested for creating presentations. Related links are provided for additional support.

How to Create Collaborative Documents Using Microsoft 365

This document explains how to create and collaborate on shared documents using Microsoft 365 tools, specifically Microsoft Teams and Microsoft OneDrive. It provides instructions for installing Teams, logging in, creating a team / group, and exchanging files in chat messaging.

How to display a doc cam in non-Zoom Classrooms

How to Display a Doc Cam for a non-Zoom Classroom

How to Enhance Your Online Learning Using D2L

This document offers strategies for students to optimize their online learning using the campus Desire 2 Learn (D2L) Brightspace Learning Management System (LMS).

How to find my group members in D2L

Find your group members in D2L using the Groups Tool.

How to log into CECT D2L

How to log into courses taught through the Center for Continuing Studies.

How to Resize Images in PowerPoint, Paint, and Word

The document provides instructions on how to resize images using different Microsoft applications PowerPoint, Paint, and Word.

How to Scan Handwritten Work for Submission in D2L

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to scan a handwritten assignment for submission on D2L using three different options: phone, printer/scanner, and webcam. For each option, it explains the process of capturing the image, saving, and renaming the file, and uploading it to D2L.

Moving D2L Brightspace Locker files to OneDrive

D2L is discontinuing the 'Locker' tool. Here's how to download your files and upload to OneDrive in order to retain access or archive those files.

Quality Review Checklist for Students: Written Work, Online Discussion Posts, Research Papers

This document covers the checklist which helps ensure written work is comprehensive and well-prepared for submission. It covers substance, proper sourcing, thorough proofreading, and guidelines for diverse types of assignments. Following this checklist improves the quality and accuracy of submitted work.

Embedding Mediaspace Video into D2L Brightspace

How to embed SCSU Mediaspace videos into D2L

How to Edit a Quiz in D2L

How to edit Quizzes in D2L

How to Enable Respondus Monitor for a Quiz

How to setup Respondus Monitor for Quizzes

How to log into the D2L Support site within Office 365/SharePoint

Help logging into the Sharepoint D2L support site

How to Prepare to Offer Classes in the Event of a Closure

How to prepare for restructuring courses in the event of closure

How to Set Up Respondus LockDown Browser

How to setup Respondus Lockdown Browser

Hyflex Classroom Space Usage - Zoom-Capable Classrooms

Basic guide to setting up a Zoom capable classroom

Logging into TK20

How to access TK20

Manually Enroll a Student into D2L

How to add a student into your D2L classlist

Roles and Permissions for D2L Brightspace

Descriptions for the various D2L Brightspace roles