How do I update my keychain password after resetting StarID password?
This issue occurs when you change your StarID password. The login keychain is encrypted with your login account (StarID) password. If you change your password on the website (which you must do for StarID) then the Mac does not know of that change and can not unlock the keychain with your new password.
When you change your StarID password and then login, your Mac will show you a dialog that indicates that it could not unlock the login keychain.
You should see three possible selections.
- One button is "Cancel" which will close the dialog and leave the keychain locked. This does not fix the issue.
- One button is "New" which will create a new keychain.
- Doing this is ok, but if you have items in the keychain that you would prefer to keep, you should not use this button.
- You should press the button marked "Update". Pressing the "Update" button will allow you to unlock the keychain with the old StarID password. Once this is done, the Mac updates the keychain for the next time you login and you should not see this issue arise until the next time you change your StarID password.