What are the differences between common account identities at St. Cloud State?


What are the common account identities (e.g. user names, identification numbers) that exist for students, faculty and staff at St. Cloud State?

What are the differences between them and how are they used?  

Where can I learn more about these account identities?

Why are there so many different account identities? 


Common account identities used by students, faculty and staff at St. Cloud State include:

  • SCSU ID (also known as the Technical ID, TechID, Campus Card ID)
    • Applies to students, faculty and staff. 
    • Eight digit number used for registrations such as classes and parking permits, and other services at St. Cloud State. 
  • StarID 
    • Applies to students, faculty and staff. 
    • Alphanumeric ID used to access many St. Cloud State and Minnesota State applications and services. 
  • Minnesota State Office 365 login (also known as O365, Shared Tenant, Unified Tenant)
    • Applies to students, faculty and staff.   
    • This account login name has the appearance of an email address and is used for accessing Office 365 services, including your email inbox, yet is different than your St. Cloud State email address). For example, the picture below shows how you log into Office 365 using your Office 365 login credentials.  
    • Office 365 login format:
      • Students: StarID@go.minnstate.edu
      • Fac/Staff: StarID@minnstate.edu
      • Email address format (for email addresses created August 2019 or later):
  • State Employee ID (also known as SEMA4 ID, Employee ID, Self Service ID, Payroll ID) 
    • Applies to faculty and staff only. 
    • Eight digit number, different from your SCSU ID, that is used for processing state employee payroll, benefits, and more. 
  • Minnesota State Username  
    • Applies to faculty and staff only. 
    • Alphanumeric username used by some employees to access specific applications and services such as Oracle, Uniface and SCUPPS.

Use the attached matrix on this page to see more information about each of these account identities, such as how they are used and their differences.

Due to the structure of St. Cloud State University as its own institution, and also as a member of both the Minnesota State colleges and universities system and the State of Minnesota, multiple account identities are needed to access certain systems, applications and online services depending on which entity "owns" the particular system and how it is configured


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Article ID: 140571
Wed 7/20/22 10:58 AM
Tue 4/18/23 10:45 AM

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