Employees can manage voicemails on their Zoom Phone through the Zoom desktop application. Employees using a physical phone can also use the physical phone to manage their voicemails. This article describes how employees will be notified of voicemails through their SCSU email and Zoom desktop application, and provides instructions for managing voicemails using the Zoom desktop application and physical phones. For more information, including receiving and managing voicemails using other devices/methods, see Zoom's online article, "Managing voicemail messages".
*Please note that St. Cloud State University is currently in the process of transitioning all employees from the current phone system to the Zoom phone service between December 2022 and June 2023. During this change, most employees will move from a physical desk phone to a softphone (virtual phone on their computer) and a headset. Physical phones will be distributed to a very limited number of areas/people based upon need (e.g. shared physical phones, accessibility needs). As our campus moves to this modernized phone system, we encourage all employees who can utilize a headset for Zoom Phone calls to do so. For employees who prefer, but do not require a physical phone (e.g. no shared physical phone or accessibility needs), departments may purchase physical phones at the full purchase price as a departmental charge. This article applies only to those who have been moved to the Zoom phone service. Learn more about this project on the Zoom webpage.
Voicemail notifications
NOTE: Employees will be notified of voicemails through the Zoom desktop application and through their work-issued email address via Outlook. We recommend staying signed into your Zoom desktop application to help ensure you see Zoom desktop notifications.
- When you receive a new voicemail, the Zoom desktop icon on the taskbar will light up and show a number indicating how many notifications have not yet been addressed within your Zoom phone service.

- When you go into the Zoom desktop application, it will show the quantity of outstanding phone notifications and where they are located (call history, voicemail, etc.)

- When you receive a new voicemail on your Zoom Phone, you will also receive a copy of the voicemail by email to your work email address (Outlook). You will be able to play the message from Outlook. However, this is just a copy of the voicemail and does not change any notifications about the voicemail within the Zoom Phone service itself (i.e. if you play and/or delete the message in Outlook it will not show as read and/or deleted in your Zoom desktop application until you play/delete it within the Zoom desktop application.)

Instructions for managing voicemails in the Zoom desktop application
- Ensure you are signed into your Zoom desktop application.
- The Zoom desktop application should open to the "Phone" tab automatically. If not, select "Phone" from the ribbon at the top of the desktop application screen. On the left-hand side of the desktop application screen, select the "Voicemail" subtab. Voicemail messages are displayed in reverse chronological order with most recent messages at the top.
- Hover over the voicemail you want to manage and handling options will appear including a call back button (phone icon), a voicemail play button (arrow-shaped play button), and an ellipsis with additional handling options such as deleting the message and more.

Instructions for managing voicemails on a physical phone
- Dial and call *86 on your desk phone access the voicemail center.
- When prompted, dial your voicemail PIN followed by #.
- Press 1 to play all voicemail messages starting with your new (unplayed) messages.
- Follow the audio prompts to manage your voicemails.