University Communications

Get assistance or request services from University Communications. Please log into TeamDynamix with your StarID credentials to request services. To sign in, please click on the "Sign In" link in the upper right corner of this screen.

Services (9)

What's Happening Submission

Submit What's Happening content to University Communications.

Digital Signage Request

Request digital signage services at St. Cloud State University

Submit a Story

Send University Communications a tip or lead for a story. Please include as much information as possible.

Submit a Design Request

Request design services for a variety of materials including brochures, postcards, self-mailers, posters, forms and/or logos

Photography Request

Request photography services at St. Cloud State University

Video Request

Request video services at St. Cloud State University

Social Media Account Registry

Submit information regarding St. Cloud State University's social media accounts

Faculty/Staff Expert Guide Registration

Let University Communications know that you are interested in serving as a subject matter expert for discussions with the media

Other Questions for University Communications

Get connected with the University Communications team regarding questions or inquiries