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SCSU-Remote VPN Setup for Mac
How to set up SCSU VPN on a Mac ... vpn ... Introduction
St. Cloud State offers faculty and staff members access to campus files and resources while off-campus through various methods. VPN access is one of the methods available to faculty
Antivirus Programs that function with the SCSU VPN
Antiviruses and SCSU VPN ... vpn ... Introduction
What are some antivirus software applications that are known to work on the SCSU VPN?
Antivirus Software Recommendations
If no antivirus is installed, then
SCSU-Remote VPN Installation & Setup for Windows
How to set up SCSU VPN on Windows 10 ... vpn ... Introduction
St. Cloud State offers faculty and staff members access to campus files and resources while off-campus through various methods. VPN access is one of the methods available to
Remote Access Request
vpn ... : Targeted solution for users with sensitive data users.
Requirements: Must access the Remote Desktop Connection from a University managed devices connected to campus via DirectAccess or VPN
Remote Desktop Connection
while you are working off campus.
Remote Desktop on Windows
Windows computers do not need VPN to connect to the computer. Direct Access was configured on all Windows SCSU
Remote Access and Work from Home Terminology
: Targeted solution for sensitive data users.
Requirements: Must access the Remote Desktop Connection from a University managed devices connected to campus via DirectAccess or VPN.
Resetting your StarID password
reset your password on campus if possible.
Being on campus makes the process a bit easier as you do not rely on a connection back to campus resources (Direct Access (DA), VPN, or
Modifying the Display Name on Supplemental Accounts
through Direct Access (Windows) or VPN (Mac) to modify a supplement account from off campus.
Submit a request for help
Change the Owner of a Supplemental Account
and more.
To change the owner of an account follow the instructions below.
Users must be connected through Direct Access (Windows) or VPN (Mac) to use this application
How to Access Department (Dept.) Files
Access (DA)
or VPN connection
Go directly to
enter your Star ID and password
When you are remote and on DA: this will NOT work
How to Access your X Drive
Access (DA)
or VPN connection
If you are on a state-owned device and you don't see your X Drive in the list of mapped drives, logging out and/or restarting your computer will usually resolve this issue.
Submit a request for help
Request Supplemental Account
Available to faculty and staff
Remote/Off-campus access: Users must be connected through Direct Access (Windows) or VPN (Mac) to use this application from off-campus.
What is Direct Access
Direct Access allows wireless devices with Windows 10 to connect directly to the SCSU network while using a 3rd-party Internet Service Provider off-campus. DA is not VPN. DA allows
How do I Create a New Supplemental Account
** Remote/Off-campus access: Users must be connected through Direct Access (Windows) or VPN (Mac) to use this application from off campus. **
To log into a computer using
Telework IT Resources for Faculty and Staff
with VPN
Remote Desktop Services